Sit on the folded blanket with your legs outstreched. Bend each leg and place each foot on the opposite thigh, soles turned upwards. Pull the foot as high as you can. Keep the palms of the right and left hand on thright and left knees,touching the thumbs with tips of the index fingers and gaze at the tip of the nose. Keep the head,neck and spinal columns straight and erect; and breath slowly.
Benefits:It increase the psycho-physical energies. It tones,up the abdominal muscles and helps in proper functioning of the circulatory system. This asan also develops the mental and physical stability and cure dyspepsia and rheumatism, relieves stiffness of joints and muscles, helps in arousing Kundalini (Serpent Power) and is a comfortable asan for the ease and comfort of the mind.
Comments:Padamasana is a unique pose for meditation, worship and prayer. It is held in high esteem by the Yogis. It was the pose adopted by great Maharishi Patanjali,Lord Buddha and other great saints and sages like Sandilya, Gheranda, Matsyendra, Natha, Bhairava and Swatmaran. It is called Padamasana after the famous flower (Lotus). This asan needs sufficient suppleness. Women and children can make a better attempt in doing this asan than men. Those suffering from stiffness of legs, a knees and ankles will feel uncomfortable in this posture but regular practice will make them perfect.
Monday, November 10, 2008 at 6:51 AM Posted by Unknown
at 6:37 AM Posted by Unknown
For Sukhasana, sit on the folded blanket with your legs outstretched. Fold the right leg from the knee and place the sole against the left thigh. Likewise, fold the left leg at the knee and place the left sole against right thigh; the toes should be pulled up between the thighs and the calves.Keep the head, neck and spine erect and keep the hands on the knees.
Benefits: Among all the cross-legged postures, this posture is the easier and the best. It is sometimes called "sitting-tailor fashion". This asan develops mental and physical potential, relieves the stiffness of knees and joints. It helps keep the entire body comfortable and straight without any strain.
Comments: Sukhasana, Padamasana and Siddhasana are comfortable and convenient poses for worship, meditation and concentration. This asans was adopted by great Yogi Surya Nanda. In india, this asan can be performed by anyone because both children and adults are accustomed to sitting cross legged on the ground.